Plant pacifies inflammation, Skin related problems, Scratches from pet animals, wounds, alopecia, asthma, stomatitis and fever. Abdominal Pain, Hair Growth, Intestinal worms, Cough, Aphrodisiac, Jewelers Weighing Unit, Ornamental Beads, glucoside abrussic acid.
Plant pacifies body pain, poison, diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting, and intermittent fever. Pulp of unripe fruit is constipating whereas that of ripened fruit is laxative. Leaves cure diabetes, cough, inflammation and asthma.
Plant pacifies tridoshas, skin diseases, burning sensation, cough and bronchitis. Plant stimulates liver and purifies vitiated blood.
Adhatoda Vasica Plant pacifies Used for treating bronchitis, asthma and dental ailments. It relieves cough and breathlessness. Its local use gives relief in pyorrhea and in bleeding gums.
Plant pacifies leucorrhoea, stomach ache, and diarrhea, inflammation, burning sensation, excessive perspiration, nervous debility, cough, and bronchitis and skin diseases. Stimulate mammary gland secretion.
Boerhavia Diffusa Plant pacifies fever, constipation, leucorrhoea, lumbar pain, skin diseases, cardiac disorders, urinary infection, anemia, dyspepsia, constipation, and general debility.
Plant pacifies wounds, ulcers, skin diseases, hemorrhoids, urinary calculus, cystitis, inflammations, cough, bronchitis and dark discolorations on face.
Plant pacifies diarrhea, dysentery, skin diseases, burning sensation, cough, bronchitis, nervous debility, cardiac debility, constipation, fever, ulcer, fever, oligospermia and general debility.
Plant pacifies hemorrhage, hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, diabetes, colic, flatulence, inflammation, arthritis, and skin diseases.
Plant pacifies tridosha, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, fever, cough, worms, flatulence, dyspepsia, jaundice, arthritis, splenomegaly and diabetes.
Canscora DecussataPlant pacifies insanity, epilepsy, nervine debility, pain, skin diseases, ulcer, worms, abdominal disorders and general debility.
Plant pacifies constipation, burning sensation, leucorrhea, skin disease, fever, cough, bronchitis, inflammations and rheumatism.
Plant pacifies tridosha, skin diseases, dandruff, constipation, cough, hepatitis, fever, and hemorrhoids.
Beneficial to the intellect and memory. powerful brain tonic, stimulate intellect and sharpen memory, cure joint pain, paralysis, rheumatism, weakness; seed oil enriches the blood, cures abdominal complaints, stomachic, tonic, treats cough, asthma, leprosy, headaches.
Plant pacifies piles, osteoporosis, anorexia and fracture, as a medicinal plant since antiquity. In siddha medicine it is considered a tonic and analgesic, and is believed to help heal broken bones, It is said to have antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, anthelmintic and antihemorrhoidal.
Plant pacifies abscesses, tumors, skin diseases, hernia, fever, malaria, general debility and rectal prolepses. The leaf and root are widely used as antidandruff, antipyretic, ascaricide, laxative, vermifuge, and in treatments of convulsion, diabetes.
Plant pacifies inflammation, cough, flatulence, skin diseases and general debility.
Plant pacifies burning sensation, inflammations, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, diabetes, skin diseases, fever, leucorrhea, urinary tract infections, anemia, burns and scalds.
Embelia Ribes Plant pacifies intestinal worms, skin diseases, nervine weakness, flatulence, colic, constipation, cough, asthma, bronchitis, migraine, fever and general weakness.
Plant pacifies hepatosplenomegaly, renal and vesical calculi, constipation, asthma and leukoderma. It has been used in India since the sixth century BC to support normal blood sugar levels in the body.
Plant pacifies It is a well-known herb for amoebic dysentery and other gastric disorders, hepatitis, diarrhea, hemorrhage, hemorrhoids. The bark is used in chest affections and as a remedy in diseases of the skin and spleen.
Plant pacifies diarrhea, colic, flatulence, wounds, ulcers, hemorrhoids and diabetes. Roots are used in cough and asthma; juice is used in diabetes and stomach affections. Root and stem barks are considered expectorant, demulcent, astringent, useful in griping and scabies.
Plant pacifies constipation, impotency, Parkinsonism, kidney diseases, neuropathy, worm infestations, fever and general debility. Seeds are useful in gonorrhea, consumption, sterility, vitiated conditions of vata.
Plant pacifies worm infestation, constipation, skin diseases, flatulence, wounds, ulcers, cough, renal and vesical calculi, poisons, ringworm, herpes and hemorrhages.
Act as cardiac and circulatory stimulants, possess antitumor, antipyretic, antiepileptic, antiinflammatory, antiulcer, antihypertensive, cholesterol lowering, antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, antibacterial and antifungal activities, and are being employed for the treatment of different ailments medicine.
Plant pacifies is high in oil and protein contains. The Niger seed is eaten fried, used as a condiment or dried then ground into a powder and mixed with flour etc to make sweet cakes.
Plant pacifies helminthiasis, anorexia, dyspepsia, pruritis, leprosy, vomiting, poison, migraine, and fever. Seeds are good remedy for hyperdipsia, fever, migraine, and emaciation.